

The most important person making decisions regarding your health is you. Any procedure being performed on you requires your consent and you have definite rights in making a choice to consent or refuse.

You have the right to

  • Receive a clear explanation as to why the investigation or treatment is considered necessary
  • Receive an explanation as to the expected outcomes, risks and side-effects of the investigation or treatment, and an explanation as to other investigations or treatment options
  • Discuss any matter regarding your health or care which you feel relevant
  • Ask for an interpreter if you do not understand English well
  • Have time to consider the proposal or discuss it with a relative, friend or helper
  • Have a second medical opinion and the right to consent, refuse or withdraw consent at any time without prejudicing your relationship with your medical advisor
  • Know that you should receive health care and service of the highest quality and be informed before your procedure of the likely out-of-pocket expense to you
  • Know that your personal medical details and identity are treated as strictly confidential
  • Know that you will be treated with courtesy and have your ethnic, cultural and religious practices respected

Advice on Making a Complaint

You have the right to express an opinion or make a reasonable complaint about treatment you have received. If you wish to make a complaint, you should discuss the matter with the doctor involved. If you are not satisfied with the response, you can contact the Health Consumers Council (WA).

Advice on Making a Complaint

To obtain the best result from your health care, you do have certain responsibilities. These include simple courtesies and actions to assist those who are caring for you. You should provide accurate and complete information about your present health, past illness, previous hospitalisations, allergies, any medication, etc. You have the responsibility to ensure that proper provision is made for your transport home. As Montserrat Day Hospital is a private hospital and you are a private patient, you are responsible for the fees incurred. If you are insured, Montserrat Day Hospital will, with your consent, settle the account with the relevant funds. Please see Financial Information.

Requesting Reports

Montserrat provides an episode report for every procedire that occurs. A copy can be provided to your referring GP and to yourself.
Please note requesting of digital reports and file copies may incur a small fee which may differ at each site or specialist.

You have legislated privacy rights. You have the right to:

  • Be told about what happens to your health record
  • Have choice and control over the information collected
  • Ask to see what is in your health record. If you think something is incorrect, you can ask for it to be corrected
  • Be told why and when a health service provider may need to share your information, for example, to ensure you get a quality treatment and care.

Please note, that we are guided by legislation, in particular the Freedom of Information Act as to what we require to provide information or records. Sometimes we may require you to provide some form of identification so we can ensure that we are providing information to the correct person.